Disneyland is pure magic! But if you forget to bring something then it can create a little dent in your magic. After a couple of visits with my family to this fantastic destination, I now have perfected the list of what to bring to Disneyland.
Packing for your day at Disneyland needs to strike a balance of not too much stuff, but also having the necessities your family needs to be happy and comfortable. You’ll spend almost every second standing, and the weather can be hot, so you don’t want a heavy backpack to lug around all day.
Family Vacay list of What to Bring to Disneyland
- Refillable water bottle. There are available refill stations throughout the park. So, when you see them take advantage of topping off your water bottles. You’ll always have water, and it is so much better for our planet.
- Sunscreen. The sun is strong, and you’ll be outside most of the day. Make sure you reapply throughout the day.
- Lip balm (with sunscreen). Lips will get dry, and you’ll want to make sure they are protected as well.
- Tissues. Whether for messy hands, watery eyes, or a runny nose — you’ll never regret having tissues available.
- Hand sanitizer. The park does a great job of having hand sanitizer readily available. But you’ll want to make sure that you have some handy as well since you are constantly touching things!
- Hand lotion. All the hand washing and sanitizing make our hands so dry.
- Hats and sunglasses. The sun can get intense, so come prepared with some protection for your face and eyes.
- Snacks. Although there are plenty of food choices throughout the park, the lines can get long. And if you have a hungry kid then you want to have snacks ready to go. We carry small snacks for when we are in long lines, walking around, or just don’t want to find something.
- Light jacket. Once the sun goes down it can get chilly. And some of the indoor rides are heavily air conditioned, so make sure you have jackets for the whole family.
- Credit card. Most everything is cash-less at Disneyland. You can even do many food, snacks, and souvenir purchases through your phone.
- Hair ties. After a couple of rides where your hair gets wet or windblown, you’ll want to put it up. So, if you don’t start with your hair up, you might want to after a couple of hours in the heat and rides.
- Masks and lanyards. While Disneyland is requiring masks, I recommend using a mask lanyard. You are constantly taking them off and on again, and a lanyard makes it much easier. Also, you save yourself from having to dig through your bag to find one quickly or from it falling on the ground.
- Medication. We have severe allergies in our family, so we always have medication with us. And many families have other medical needs. So, make sure you have all your medication packed with you.
- Other essentials: This could include diapers, wipes, special toys, etc. Whatever your kids (or you) must have for a long day.